Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A DAY Full of Labs.........

Good evening to everyone, tonight was a time for me to go over a few things that I need to nail down not just for the BSCI exam but for real world and for my sanity. You know I have such a hard time in remembering the authentication set up but tonight I re-did these commands until I have it down......that dang rip authentication key-string was killing me.. see below

r1(config)#key chain rip
r1(config-keychain)#key 1
r1(config-keychain)#key-string cisco
r1(config)#int s1/0
r1(config-if)#ip rip authentication mode md5
r1(config-if)#ip rip authentication key-chain rip

I'm always forgetting that key-string but tonight after labbing for over 2 hours and forgetting I hardcoded ripv2 on one of my routers.....troubleshot that for a few minutes until I ran the "sh ip protocol" and noticed I was sending vers 2 and recv vers 2 only I screamed lol...but hey thats how we all learn by making these mistakes now so they don't creep up on us later during the exam...

I'm going to take a break for a minute or two and start this ISIS...after setting it up a few times earlier today...I kinda like it better than much easier to configure no area 0 only areas and those L1/L2 just like an ABR in I love this field....

I read a qoute and it went like this:

"Once you find something you really love to do, you'll never have to work another day in your life"

This is so true....because I'm am so fascinated on how data from point b gets to point c.... that's why they call us the plumbers of the internet...we work behind the scene to manipulate routes so that this can happen. Anyways guys I'm always checking out your post and my MAN "A" well he's hooked and I'll check out your blog a little later tonight to review lol....hey whatever works for you..I get writers cramp after writing my notes and coming here to write more notes..Nada, not going to happen but if it works for the thing...

See you guys at the cross road as always....

***mumbling, that dang key-string....ahhhhhhhh******

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.....Today I tackled ISIS which at first sight of the NSAP address I was a little intimidated and thought this will take some time to understand but it was the complete opposite. ISIS was originally intended to work with the OSI protocol suite. The Connectionless Network Service *CLNS* is used by the OSI protocols and the Layer 3 routing protocol used is Connectionless Network Protocol *CLNP*. I found out after reading and viewing my CB trainsignal videos that the hardest part is learning the terminology and this is true but after writing my notes I felt pretty good with here it is ISIS..

As I mentioned earlier the NSAP address through me for loop but reviewing how to read the address, it was quite simple...

The breakdown is very elementary after you viewed the address from right to left, example:

00 = NSEL or Network Selector ID is used to route within the ES and the router is always set to 00
4444.4444.4444.4444 = the next 12 digits or should i say 8 bytes is the system ID now this can be either the MAC address on a lan or the highest DLCI on a frame relay
49.0001 = is the area id which this router belongs too...
*any area that begins with 49 is only used fora Private areas and is similar to IPV4 RFC1981 Private IP Addresses*

I was quite pleased on how fairly well I grasped this and since working with OSPF it'll come easy to all as well.

It's a little late to be doing any labs tonight but I will tackle some tomorrow I have a few more EIGRP labs to complete and finish off the afternoon with ISIS and then on Thursday THE BIG DAY "BGP" I am so looking forward to really understanding BGP... I've read a few pages on it just to get a feel of it and like the other subjects, I'll do a little and understand it before going on.

Hope all is doing well and this journey has finally taken off, I'm more focus than I've ever been for the past few months.

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Friday, August 1, 2008


.....Yawwwwwn Oh sorry, I just got back from Vacation visiting family and friends in the greatest state of the union, North Carolina (one of the homes of the CCIE Lab) and I enjoyed every minute of if. Since I'm focus more and dedicated to achieving my goals I took my laptop and some study material Trainsignal BSCI (Never leave home with our Chris Bryant CCIE #12933 LOL, I love when he says that) and I purchased Jeremy Ciora CBT nuggets package as well (he spoon feeds you the information for you to digest and he keeps your attention).

Well I haven't been here for a minute now and I've completed the labs for my OSPF but I do need to configure my authentication one more time, something about that command IP OSPF AUTHENTICATION and the Authentication Message-Digest Key1 MD5 blah blah that I always put too many authentications or message digest..oh well I'll get it, not a problem in that area. So the study schedule is back on track and since I no longer have to go to NJIT and pay for their equipment room to conduct labs, my trusty ole Dynamips is doing the trick for now.

I went over EIGRP while I was on vacation and I find myself writing down notes instead of just highlighting some points in the book to be more effective for me to retain this information and to really understand it (of course labs reinforce this as well). I'll complete a few stub routes and changing the AD and few redistribution before I go on to ISIS (I can't wait to get to BGP).

So with that said I notice a lot of other bloggers like to write their notes here, to each his own but I'm getting writers cramp so that will not happen at this point of time.

So until Sunday I see you guys soon while I go over plenty of your blogs (this helps as well with the studying factor)Stay alert, focus and as always stay bless Friends..

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